MEMS ( Micro Electro Mechanical System) Important Questions - B.suresh , Dept of ECE

B.SURESH , Department of ............., ASIST,PARITALA

Unit wise important questions : All the Best


1) write a short notes on surface and bulk micro machining ?
2) explain with neat diagrams LITHOGHRAOHY process step by step ?
3) write about wet and dry etching with necessary diagrams ?
4) explain in detail about LIGA process with neat diagrams ? mention the advantages and disadvantages of this process.


1)explain with help of diagrams beam and cantilevers ?
2) with necessary formula and diagrams explain the capacitive sensor ?
3)how the flow can be measured by using integrated paddle cantilever structure with help of diagrams
4)write a shot notes on :1) gripping piezoactuator 2) shear mode piezoactuator

1)a) explain principle of thermo couple with help of neat diagrams ?
   b)explain about thermal probe with its equivalent circuit ?
2) what is SMA and explain SMA actuator ?
3) explain U-shaped horizantal and vertical actuators with help neat diagrams ?
4) write a short notes on 1) micro spring thermal actuator 2) data storage cantilever ?


1)Explain Digital micro mirrors Technology(DMD) ?
2)Briefly explain the properties of light and about beam splitter ?
3)Explain about Micro mirrors with neat diagrams ?
4) explain with neat diagram optical switch with help of diagrams ? 

IV -I ,Mechanical Students

Prepare any FIVE UNITS ,You will get Maximum score in MEMS subject.

UNIT - 1  : Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

1) define MEMS ? and explain History and Development Process in MEMS ?
2) write a short notes on surface and bulk micro machining ?
3) explain with neat diagrams LITHOGHRAOHY process step by step ?
4) write a short notes on various methods followed in Lithography process (any 2 methods) ?
5) write about structural and Sacrificial materials ?
6) write about wet and dry etching with necessary diagrams ?
7) compare Bulk and Surface micro machining ?
8) explain in detail about LIGA process with neat diagrams ? mention the advantages and disadvantages of this process.

UNIT - 2 : Mechanical sensors and Actuators

1) write a short notes on sensing and actuation with an examples?
2)explain with help of diagrams beam and cantilevers ?
3) with necessary formula and diagrams explain the capacitive sensor ?
4) what is piezoelectricity and how it is used in MEMS technology explain ?
5)how the flow can be measured by using  integrated paddle cantilever structure with help of diagrams
6)write a shot notes on :1) gripping piezoactuator 2) shear mode piezoactuator
7) explain about MEMS gyroscope ?
8) explain inchworm technology with help of neat diagrams and mention the advantages and applications 

Unit - III : Thermal sensors and Actuators 

1) explain the terms thermal sensors and actuators ? 

2) how the heat will be transferred in different modes explain with necessary examples ?  
3) write a short notes on Thermistors ?
4) write a short notes on thermodevices ? 
5) explain principle of thermo couple with help of neat diagrams ?
6) explain about thermal probe with its equivalent circuit ?
7) explain Peltier effect heat pumps with necessary diagrams and equations /
8)write a short notes on thermo vessels applications ?
9) what is SMA and explain SMA actuator ?
10) explain U-shaped horizantal and vertical actuators with help neat diagrams ?
11) explain thermally activated MEMS relay with neat sketch ?
12) write a short notes on 1) micro spring thermal actuator 2) data storage cantilever ?

IV- unit : Micro opto mechanical systems

1) explain the operation of DMD ( DIGITAL MICRO MIRROR device) with necessary diagrams ? 

2) explain different types of micro mirrors with neat diagrams ?
3) what are the properties of light and explain about beam splitter ?  
4) explain with neat diagram optical switch with help of diagrams ? 


MEMS ( Micro Electro Mechanical System) Important Questions - B.suresh , Dept of ECE MEMS ( Micro Electro Mechanical System) Important Questions - B.suresh , Dept of ECE Reviewed by Suresh Bojja on 9/15/2018 10:19:00 AM Rating: 5
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