MATLAB CODES - Dilation , Erosion , Internal Boundary , External Boundary , Morphological Gradient , Thinning , Thickening , Skeletonization - image morphological Operations

close all;
clear all;

% Read the test Image
% Convert the image to binary image

myorigimg = imread('test.jpg');
myorigimg = im2bw(rgb2gray(myorigimg));
subplot(3, 3, 1);

% Create Structuring Element
se = strel('disk', 9);

% Perform dilation operation using imdilate command
% Display the dilated image

mydilatedimg = imdilate(myorigimg, se);
subplot(3, 3, 2);
imshow(mydilatedimg);title('Dilated image');

% Perform Erosion operation using imerode command
% Display the Eroded image

myerodedimg = imerode(myorigimg, se);
subplot(3, 3, 3);
imshow(myerodedimg);title('Eroded image');

% Find Internal Boundary
% Internal Boundary = Dilated Image AND Not of Eroded Image
% Display Internal Boundary

internalboundimg = mydilatedimg & ~ myerodedimg;
subplot(3, 3, 4);
imshow(internalboundimg,[]);title('Internal Boundary');

% Find External Boundary
% External Boundary = Dilated Image AND Not of Eroded Image
% Display External Boundary

externalboundimg = mydilatedimg & ~myorigimg;
subplot(3, 3, 5);
imshow(externalboundimg,[]);title('External Boundary');

% Find Morphological Gradient
% Morphological Gradient = Dilated Image AND Not of Eroded Image
% Display External Boundary

mymorphgradimg = imsubtract(myorigimg,myerodedimg);
subplot(3, 3, 6);
imshow(mymorphgradimg,[]);title('Morphological Gradient');

% Perform Thinning operation using bwmorph() command
% Display the dilated image

thinf = bwmorph(myorigimg,'thin');
imshow(thinf);title('Thinning of the Image');

% Perform Thickening operation using bwmorph()command
% Display the dilated image

thickf = bwmorph(myorigimg,'thicken');
imshow(thickf);title('Thickening of the Image');

% Perform Skeletonozation operation using bwmorph()command
% with 8 iterations and display the dilated image

skelf100 = bwmorph(myorigimg,'skel',9);
imshow(skelf100);title('Skeletonization - 9 iterations');

MATLAB CODES - Dilation , Erosion , Internal Boundary , External Boundary , Morphological Gradient , Thinning , Thickening , Skeletonization - image morphological Operations MATLAB CODES - Dilation , Erosion , Internal Boundary , External Boundary , Morphological Gradient , Thinning , Thickening , Skeletonization - image morphological Operations Reviewed by Suresh Bojja on 9/11/2018 06:19:00 AM Rating: 5
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