MATLAB CODES - Min Filter , Noisy Image , Wiener Filter , Gaussian PSF , Motion PSF , Gausian Blurred Image , Blind Deconvolution (Random),

% read the Test image and display it

  mygrayimg=imresize(mygrayimg,[256 256]);
  subplot(3,3,1),imshow(mygrayimg), title('Original image');

% Create an Order filter - Min filter with 3 x 3 mask
% The command ordfilt2() is used

  filt1 = ordfilt2(mygrayimg,1,ones(3,3));
  title('Min Filter Result');

% Create Noisy Image

  noisyimg = imnoise(mygrayimg,'Salt & Pepper', 0.5);
  title('Noisy Image');

% Create Wiener filter with 5 x 5 mask
% Apply Wiener filter to the test image

  wienerimg = wiener2(noisyimg,[5,5]);
  title('Wiener filter with 5 X 5 mask');

% Create Gaussian blur
% The command fspecial() is used to create mask and imfilter() is used
% to apply it. The command edgetaper is used to blur the edges
% Display the blurred image

  gausspsf = fspecial('gaussian',[64,64],5);
  title('Gaussian PSF');

% Create motion Blur
% The command fspecial() is used to create mask and imfilter() is used
% to apply it. The command edgetaper is used to blur the edges
% Display the blurred image

  motionpsf = fspecial('motion',64,64);
  title('Motion PSF');
  gaussblur = imfilter(mygrayimg,gausspsf);
  y1 = edgetaper(mygrayimg,gausspsf);
  subplot(3,3,7), imshow(gaussblur);
  title('Gaussian Blurred Image');

  % The original image is retrieved from the blurred image using the
  % command blind deconvolution and display it

  randpsf =rand(64);
  retrievedimg1 = deconvblind(y1,randpsf);
  title('Blind deconvolution(random)');

  % The original image is retrieved from the blurred image using the
  % command blind deconvolution and display it

  retrievedimg2 = deconvblind(y1,gausspsf);
  title('Blind deconvolution');
MATLAB CODES - Min Filter , Noisy Image , Wiener Filter , Gaussian PSF , Motion PSF , Gausian Blurred Image , Blind Deconvolution (Random), MATLAB CODES - Min Filter , Noisy Image , Wiener Filter , Gaussian PSF , Motion PSF , Gausian Blurred Image , Blind Deconvolution (Random), Reviewed by Suresh Bojja on 9/11/2018 06:10:00 AM Rating: 5
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