Real Time Operating System


1.      Explain file I/O functions: Lseek, open, Read, Write.
2.      What is a kernel. Explain the Kernelservices in an operating system.
3.      What are OS services? Explain the structures of user and supervisory mode.
4.      What are RTOS services?
5.      Write about the kernel services in an OS.
6.      Explain the scheduling algorithms to a weighted round robin approach with an example.
7.      What is meant by scheduling mechanism? List any 4 scheduling algorithms and explain one of them with example.
8.      What are the different types of scheduling strategies used in RTOS? Explain briefly.
9.      What are the parameters at a TCB of a task?
10.  What are the memory management strategies for a system.?
11.  Explain the Interrupt service routines in an RTOS.
12.  What is a pre-emptive scheduler? Explain the model for critical section service by a pre-emptive scheduler.
13.  What are OS security issues.
14.  Write about weighted round-robin approach for scheduling real-time systems with an example.
15.  Differentiate between pre-emptive and Non-pre-emptive scheduling.


1.      Explain Vworks function calls for task state transition.
2.      What is a mail box? How does a mailbox pass a message during an IPC?
3.      What are the design requirements of a complex multitasking embedded system.
4.      What are features of an RTOS.
5.      Explain the RTOS MUCOS-II function calls for system-level functions.
6.      Explain the RTOS MUCOS-II function calls for Semaphore functions for intertask communications.
7.      Explain the RTOS MUCOS-II function calls for memory allocation functions.
8.      Explain the RTOS MUCOS-II function calls for Queue functions for intertask communications
9.      Explain Vworks function calls for inter process communication.
10.  Explain Vworks function calls for interrupt service.

1.      List the basic feature of Windows CE.
2.      Describe hard vs soft real time systems.

unit-4 and unit -5 full case studies should be read.
1. What are the differences in operating systems?
2. What is POSIX compatibility?
3. Why the OS software is not independent of the processor?
4. Study and explain the process of porting QNX Neutrino OS on your desktop?
5. explain the process of creating a target image for windows Xp Embedded platform?
6. Explain the process of porting an RTOS on a custom-built development board.
1.      List the file manipulation commands of linux.
2.      List the directory command of Linux.
3.      Explain how the shell processes the commands.
4.      What are the function calls for semaphore management in Linux.
5.      What are the function calls for mutex management in Linux.
6.      List the function calls used for shared memory and message queues.
1. What is an RTLinux module?
2. Explain the use of semaphore with an example.
3. Explain the use of mutex with an example.
4. What are the function calls provided for timer management in RTLinux.
5. List the function calls provided in RTLinux for mutex and semaphore management.

6. Explan how to achieve communication between a process running in Linux and a process running in RTLinux.
Real Time Operating System Real Time Operating System Reviewed by Suresh Bojja on 9/07/2018 12:20:00 AM Rating: 5
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